Friday, September 9, 2011

Random Blogging :: What I've been up to..

Hello All! I know it's been ages and ages since my last post - but from my previous post you'll know why i've been so extremely busy. I started school (I'm going to a school, a bridge program LVN - BSN) on August 29th and it's been really crazy! I knew it was quite an accelerated program, but I wasn't expecting it to be SO fast. we literally cover 5 chapters in one day and have a test every week in each of my classes. I have 3 and omg they are just so mentally draining. 

So the reason why I have not been able to blog is because of my school and also both my kiddies have started school as well! My oldest daughter is in Kindergarten and my youngest is in Preschool. so it's been a busy house and of course My husband has been working very hard :)

I'm very glad though that I did decide to go back to school - it's a small sacrifice for a lifetime of better for my family and myself. My expected graduation date would be June 2014, but considering I'm going to have my baby in March of 2012 - i might/might not take a little break (a month or even a few weeks) depending on how i'm doing in school and my recovery etc.

I have my upcoming prenatal appointment in about a week to see how baby is doing :) i know i'm only barely about to be 12 weeks, but i already have a small belly. but i'll show you guys when i'm about 15-16 weeks. 

I'm really hoping to have some more content on here soon - but i honestly don't know if i'll ever have time consistently lol. well after every semester i have a break so maybe then i'll be more active! but as for now i'll just post my random bloggings here and there and hope that you'll all still be interested to read them! :)

hope you all have a great weekend!


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