Saturday, September 18, 2010

Looking for Skincare recommendations?!

The other day I came across a website, because some of you who know me, or follow me on twitter, have seen me tweet that i'm looking for moisturizers, facial wash and just looking into skincare products lately.. I came across and it was pretty interesting!

I noticed that they had been mentioned in Marie Claire Magazine and on and it really drew my attention. i then noticed a couple of fellow beauty bloggers where on their community blog roll and i knew this website had to be good.

Basically what the website is (from using it myself) it's a website where you plug in your skincare product you use from a wide variety of products they have to choose from.. and then you kind of get recommendations based on your skin type and skin issues.. they give you some great product recommendations based on the information you put. you don't have to put any personal information (like your birthday etc).. and it's free and easy to do this!

i put all the skin care products that i use and rated them/gave my opinion on them on how they are working for me.. and then after i hit submit, they recommended a few products for tons of different categories (ie. facial cleansers, toners, moisturizers, eye creams, masks, etc)..

It's kind of like the "makeupalley" of skincare product recommendations! gives you a free skin assessment, product recommendations and so much more (including a community for other members to mingle and talk about skin care products and tips/advice)

I'm really happy i did find the website! cause now i have tons of options to choose from that i can kind of gauge and see what i'd like to use depending on the reviews etc.. i know this skin care journey is going to be mainly trial and error, but at least i know i've got some great recommendations for my skin type and my issues..

so if you're looking for a skin regimen just for you,  a skin assessment, some product recommendations or wanting to talk to other people who are in the same boat - you definitely want to check out this website! afterall, it's FREE!

if you end up joining the website and using any of the product recommendations - please let me know how YOU like it!

P.S. I know i'm totally lagging on some promised video's.. but i've been SO busy with my daughter starting preschool, my youngest one also starting ballet.. then it's my birthday in 4 days yikes! but i promise to have some videos/tutorials soon! :) till next time!


  1. thanks for this!! i'll check it out!

  2. Following you from Bloggy Moms! Looking forward to reading your blog!


  3. Hi, I'm following from bloggy moms! Thanks for adding me as a friend! I'm totally not into make up and beauty, not because i don't like it but because i guess i'm intimidated by it lol. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from your blog! I'm working on losing a pretty good chunk of my chunk so i'll definitely need some beauty knowledge when i have the body to go with the face.


  4. Thanks for the recommendations! I am following your blog from feel free to follow me back!


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