Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Random Thoughts ...

So I've been really busy with work and all the events that have happened the past 2 weeks.. that i'm barely able to keep up lol.. but i took this picture about 3 weeks ago.. it was one of my good friends twin daughters 3rd birthday party at polliwog park in manhattan beach. it was extremely chilly that day (despite it still being summer).. and rather gloomy.. my husband snapped this photo of my girls and i, as we were walking towards are car to go home.. i thought it was funny and just made me appreciate life :) and my family.. 

Jasmyn, Mommy & Khristianna <3

They had so much fun despite the weather being cold and crummy.. :) they never fail to put a smile on my face.. love how carefree we look in this picture haha! i'll have more to come soon!

Just wanted to share this random picture i found.. and my thoughts.. enjoy life to the fullest because you only have one.. one to spend it with your family and friends - so make the most out of it! fight for everything because life is definitely worth fighting for..

Hope you all are doing wonderful and are enjoying the first weeks of October! where did Fall go? it feels like winter over here already! 


  1. Hey hon, loving the blog! Just started my own: http://tebeauty.blogspot.com/

  2. Hey there! :) will definitely check it out! :) thanks for stopping by!

  3. Aw, what a great picture! Children always have a way of putting things in perspective!


  4. Kids are sweet!! this is a great pic! xoxox

  5. @Sara - thank you! :) yes they do!

    @heather - thank you :P


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