Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gym Session :: 04/09/2011 + today's blogging

Hey everyone! :)

so for those of you that don't know - i injured my left knee about March 19th (i remember the day to the T lol).. i had been told to keep off my knee (no gym for 2 weeks) and to ice/elevate and take motrin for 2 weeks straight and hopefully that'd help it..

well my inactivity really kicked me in the booty.. i literally probably have gained like 5-10 lbs these past two weeks.. not only was i inactive, but hubby had transfered to a new job (same company) with different hours. Same as mine! so we carpooled and also took lunch together.. and we weren't really prepared so we had to eat fast food this whole week! (not good, i know!) and i'm paying for it.. not only was i feeling super bloated lately, but tired all the time and groggy.. which fast food/unhealthy food can do to you.

we had been on the go all the time, we weren't able to go grocery shopping as usual, just food for the kids and that was it lol.. 

all the while my knee was still in pain. finally on friday i had the same ortho provider (i work in orthopedics) take a look at my knee since he said if the pain hadn't subsided by 2 weeks - i need to be rechecked.. well he examined my knee (and had a student PA with him and i was their guinea pig) and did a bunch of clinical tests on me.. and based on my clinical exam - it seemed as if i sprained (sprain is a tear) of my collateral ligments as well as possibly slight tear of my meniscus. 

so he ordered me an MRI which i don't have an appt until monday the 18th of this month. which really sucks because he wants me to be in a knee immobilizer until then when i'm walking around.. the knee immobilizer i have is just that - i cannot bend me knee whatsoever! its a pain in the neck - although i know it's good for me LOL! but i'll tell you know - i'm stubborn as HECK!

anyway - my knee felt good today.. and i felt like crap for 2 weeks.. so today i wanted to go to the gym with my husband..

don't worry - i didn't work out legs, just cardio, biceps and Abs. as that was all i could manage to do... here's what i did anyhow..

- HIIT (High Intense Interval training) - did 30 minutes of this on the treadmill. i don't like to do more than 45 minutes on the treadmill as then it will start to burn the LEAN muscle i've worked so hard to gain!  (25 mins minimum cardio!)

- Seated Alternating curls - 15lb dumbbells each hand - 5 sets of 5 repetitions
- Hammer Curls - 15lb dumbbells each hand - 3 sets of 8 repetitions

- crunches - 3 sets of 30 (machine)

after the gym- hubby and i went grocery shopping (for veggies and snacks etc) and also target for other things (will have yet another haul video on that soon!

but we had signed up for a costco membership (finally! loL) on friday evening and had purchased our meats there. How often do you all go grocery shopping?

we had our carpets cleaned today finally! it's been awhile - nice to  have clean carpets in the house! anyway.. i'm super pooped and have to wake up at the crack of dawn to register for the fall classes for my youngest daughters ballet class tomorrow.. 

sooooo good night and til my next blog!


  1. I can't stand doing more than 15 minutes of HIIT (15 mins seem to be enough for me for now). I don't know how you do it for 30 mins. What speed and inclination do you run at for your intervals?
    I feel like you and I are the only beauty bloggers/YTers who are into weight training/fitness, don't you think? Haha or do you know anyone else?

  2. i usually really change it up depending on how i feel. today i was SUPER SUPER SUPER pumped.. i did a like a 5 min warm up, then 2 mins of speed 7.0 at 0 incline, and then 1 minute rest. then i'd do 2 minutes of 5.0mph on 3.5 incline.. i just changed it up.. but really pushed myself today even though i know i shouldn't have cause my knee is still sprained LOL it was a pain (literally)..

    i actually do not know of any other beauty bloggers that are into fitness as much as we are.. oh except nessa from lyricallyness - but not sure she's into weights though..

    but i hope we can spread this to other women out there! we need more girls that are beauty bloggers and YTers into this! lol..

  3. i hate crunches but i guess i got to do it!

  4. Ooic. When I do HIIT, I usually do 4.5 (30 seconds), 8.0 (30 seconds), both inclined at 5... but only do this for 10 minutes most of the time... 15 minutes if I'm feeling really pumped.

    YES. Wish more beauty bloggers/YTers were into fitness and weights.

    My personal goal right now is to be able to do a pull up. I can't do a full pull up on my own. I can do one at 80-85% of my current weight though. I'm hoping that in a few months, I'll be able to comfortably do one and then proceed from there by being able to do more. In order to do this, I'm doing 5 sets of 5 reps (almost maxing out by the end) on the assisted pull-up machine once a week and decreasing my assisted weights every two weeks.
    Can you do a pull-up?


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