Monday, April 19, 2010

Holy Moly Monday

okay - so i titled this "Holy Moly Monday" only because i'm sooo freakin' sore from my workout this past weekend! HOLY MOLY... going up the stairs at work, sitting down, standing up.. holy moly i'm SO sore LOL.. why i don't know! jeebus!

Saturday I believe I worked out Legs, I hadn't done squats in so long.. and decided to go heavy.. i added 10more lbs than usual (okay - so maybe that's why but still!).. i didn't do stiff legged dead lifts because i noticed how it's such a compound exercise - my back is sore forever lol.. and i already have back problems as it is lol.. so i thought i'd chill on those for a bit.. maybe this saturday i'll do them.. to change up my routine..

So for Saturday my workout consisted of:
- Legs
- Chest
- Back

and Sunday workout consisted of:
- Shoulders
- Biceps
- Triceps
weird combo.. but it works LOL.. :)

i don't want to bore you all with my exercises.. but i do want to update you all with my progress! after my girls, i swear i have so much extra skin.. and even moreso with the weightloss.. but i'm proud to say that i've lost 16-18lbs (depends when i weigh myself - usually i do it at work when i'm fully clothed and had a full breakfast LOL)..

but if i were to keep track of when i was my heaviest (after I had tianna, my 1st daughter) until now.. i've lost a good 31lbs.. but keep in mind this is in a span of 2-3 years on and off because i did have my 2nd daughter 19 months after LoL.. and so.. yea i've been yo-yo'ing with my weight for a few years..

it's funny to think when i was 13 (when i first met my boyfriend - who is now my husband).. that i was a size DOUBLE ZERO and 90lbs.. BUT i was not a stick!! i was actually pretty lean! gosh i miss my body haha!.. but then again i'm embracing my womanly curves :) ..

anywho.. enough rambling.. :) i don't think i'll have any videos until June.. i know i'm sorry! i've been SO busy and i barely just started back studying again and you all know how that goes!

but don't worry - i'm kinda shy to do a vlog - but i'd love to.. but wouldn't know what to talk about haha! :)

i thank all my subbies for reading my junk and randomness :) i hope that you all will follow my weightloss journey, my make-up/beauty adventures (btw i'm going to IMATS in june! in Los Angeles).. and my Mommyhood journey!

which I would LOVE to invite all you lovely ladies to join my forums:! :) it's a great online community not only for moms (as we have a lot of members who are not mommy's) but for women all over the world! :)

okay.. that's enough for tonight at least! i'm so sore! LOL

<3 Khristine


  1. Girl... my weight has been up and down lately too, I had lost like 35 pounds and I gained 15 of it back so I'm trying to lose it...

    Btw, maybe we'll run into each other @ IMATS!


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