Thursday, June 17, 2010

Product Review: *NEW* Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel

I was contacted by Diana B. from in regards to this new product called Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel. She sent me a very generous sample and I thought i'd give my thoughts and opinions on this product.

When a lot of people hear of Anti-Chafing Gels, I'm sure they're like what in the heck is that?! what's it for? Well Sometimes when your skin rubs together in a certain areas, for example thighs (for those that are runners etc - repeated rubbing together), underarm area, hips (friction from clothing).. your skin can get very irritated - especially if you have sensitive skin.

Well, Lanacane Anti-Chafing gel claims that it prevents chafing caused by friction. It helps skin heal itself by reducing further damage from chafing.

When I first received my package, I thought of the Monitstat anti-chafing gel and how a lot of people use it as a primer. Well I did try the Lanacane to see if i could also use it for that. well it did go on the skin very well - non-greasy etc. but the lasting power with the make-up on top didn't really do much (same for the monistat chafing gel). 

(left: Lanacane, Right: Monistat)
As you can see in the picture the Lanacane is not as watery looking as Monistat and sure does glide on with no residue.. The monistat takes a while for me to buff everything in.. and on the skin Lanacane is invisible and feels that way, where as the Monistat I know it's on there and glistens.

It was as easy to remove as it was to apply. Just soap and water in the shower was all you needed. Like I said - I didn't notice any residue or left over product after use. but it is a nice product.

But I did end up using this product for testing wise when I go to the gym. Yes i'm not toothpick skinny and my thighs rub together (not so much).. but i noticed after a long time of running without any protection.. my skin did get tender.. so the next time I went to the gym, i made sure to use just a little bit on the area that did touch and a little goes A LONG way seriously and it does last a long time! I did notice a difference.. the skin kind of just gliding off each other.. it almost was like their was a skin protectant but you couldn't really feel/notice it.. but i knew it was there because i applied something lol.. 

I actually also used this product on my heels as they had been raw from standing all day in my shoes from work.. and on the box it said it helps the skin heal itself... so that's exactly what i did! i used it for a few days on my heels and i noticed a difference.. my heels weren't as sore and the redness did go away. I'm not saying this is a miracle worker, but it truly did help out these little inconveniences..

As a nurse, my hands are always dry/flaking from washing them repeatedly.. I actually used these on my hands/knuckles and they worked fabulously to help with the rawness of my skin from washing so much..

So overall, i think this is a great product to have, especially if you move around a lot and are active. It's nice to have during these hot summer months ahead! it'll be great to keep you skin protected - because that's what it did for me! Great if you have sensitive and/or DRY skin! my suggestion is - do not put this on your face as it did cause me to break out a bit (not severe)..

Packaging: 4/5
Product: 4/5
Value: 4/5 (ranges from $4.99-7.99 depending on stores CVS, Walgreens etc)
Ease of Use: 5/5

Overall: 4/5 
Recommend?: Yes, I'd definitely recommend this to those that are active, especially have sensitive skin. and especially during this summer - since it'll be hot and your skin will be prone to a lot of friction/rubbing.. definitely would recommend!

**NOTE: this product was sent as a sample for me to try. I was NOT paid for this review and i am in no way affiliated with the lanacane company. these are all my thoughts 100% honest as they always will be.**


  1. interesting,thx!

  2. I know! something a little different than the average make-up/beauty product review lol!

  3. I just gotta say, I really admire you for reviewing this product the way you do. Huge kudos to you, I really appreciate it! :)

  4. Great review! Nice to know that if you bought this as a primer and its crap that it still does what its supposed to do, ha ha!

  5. @Lindsay - aww thanks hun! I appreciate that! I try to review anything and everything useful haha! or can come in handy!

    @Robyn - yea i was bummed it didn't work as a primer haha because it did go on a LOT smoother than the monistat, but knew it was too good to be true.


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